Free Online Dating

Free Online Dating – Why bother making an effort?

Bored Kid

Why isn’t anyone contacting me?

Online Dating and the New Era

We are now living in an era where everything is happening faster thanks to technology and as time goes on, the stigma attached to online dating is getting less. A few years back, if you heard that someone met their partner online, your immediate reaction would have been different to what you may think now as dating online is no different to us using Facebook or even twitter.

The Importance of Making an Effort

Nothing in life comes easy and using a free or paid dating site is no exception. Many users complete their online dating profile, sit back and wait to be contacted by someone and literally after a few days or even hours they get disappointed and frustrated as to why no one ever contacted them so they decide to delete their profile with their reason being “did not get any views or messages”. Sorry to burst your bubble but you will never find your true love unless you make an effort by contacting or at the very least, viewing other member’s profiles and by not giving up. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Imagine if everyone on a dating site decided to do this! What do you think would happen? I will let you do the math.

So, How Do I Make “an effort”?

Making an effort using online dating sites is very important as there is someone else sitting behind that screen just like yourself and if your messages are short or boring, they would not reply as they are probably getting a lot of messages and they only look for eye catching messages.

If you need to create a great online dating profile then you might be interested in reading this great article on: Let Your Personality Shine: How to Get a Top Notch Dating Profile

All the best and I am sure you will find your true love soon.